Thursday, October 19, 2006

baby steps.

Wow, this too is a whole new venture for me. First, I sign up to ride my bike across America, and next thing I know I am creating my very own blog. I guess this is just the time for new adventures. I must admit, my aim here with this blog is twofold—no, threefold. To start with, I am riding my bike across America next summer. Most likely if you are reading this you already know a little about the ride. And, most likely, I’ll be providing you with even more who, why, where, what and how's of this particular adventure. In short, it is a fundraiser for the American Lung Association of Washington, I am raising $5,500, and I will be spending 48 days of next summer with three of my best friends and three dozen others as we ride from Seattle, WA to Washington D.C. It’s only October, but come June, July, and August I will be using this site to detail the journey and upload pictures. Secondly, throughout this fundraising process I have been given the opportunity to re-connect with many people I haven’t talked with in ages. I hate being just someone who "wants your money" because I really do enjoy being able to get back in touch with people. This blog will help to let people know what is up, or has be up, in my life. Thirdly, and this is a teeny-tiny factor in the purpose of the blog, I am asked to create one for my current English class. But really, that is just a good excuse to start it now.

So there you have it. I won’t promise to update it daily, or very regularly at all, but I’ll do my best. In addition, I will promise from the get-go that you’ll have to deal with my enthusiasm (a.k.a. geekiness) for school, vegan cooking, reading and all other quirks of interest. I know there’s a little geek inside of us all...